Faster jaundice diagnosis at home

We want to create an innovative solutions for accurate, fast jaundice (bilirubin) testing for babies at home. This is a collaborative challenge supported by Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government and Hi @ the Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow.

Jaundice is an almost universal phenomenon in the new-born, affecting 60% of babies in the first week of life. Current pathways for testing and treatment require admission to neonatal units which currently accounts 6% of all admissions. Improved point of care testing will support diagnosis and treatment at home.

Current testing at home is very challenging. Tests are invasive and uncomfortable for babies, disruptive for families, and often get lost, or delayed in the process. In some cases, problems with testing leads to delays in crucial treatment.

We are looking for innovative solution to streamline this process, by developing accurate, fast near-patient jaundice (bilirubin) testing. This will enable family centred care at home for babies.

Improved jaundice testing will be a crucial step to help deliver new approaches to jaundice treatment keeping babies with their families and out of hospital.

Supported by the Chief Scientist Office and Hi, up to £220,000 is currently available for organisations to solve this challenge.

If this challenge is of interest to you and you want to find out more:
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